Thursday, August 8, 2013

Making 2300$- Part Time- August Week 1 Update.

 Summary of First Week Grinding

2300$ in a week
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The beginning of the month I was primarily out a ton
and  didn't really start grinding until about Aug-3.

As you can probably notice there was a significant downswing of approximately 12bi's near hand 31k this was mainly a cause of me playing 24-tables and having over 6-8 of them being HU last night during the Promotion.

I have been running very good lately against some of the regulars... who shall remain nameless. Although there's still a part of me that's deeply saddened by the fact of how many hands I've continued to relentlessly spew. . . a penny saved is a penny earned.

Goal-Re Cap Time! For the remainder of the month I will definitely try to keep up the volume a little bit as with the current pace I will be only on pace for 160k hands. . . half the amount that's required of me for SNE.

Thoughts On Happy Hour Promotion

The Happy-Hours are spaced apart in such a fashion that in order to hit all of them you would have to break up your grinds. 
The only way to hit is either to grind from 1-2 for 1 hour; sleep 6 hours wake up do 1 hour. It works if my last session ends at 2am, but in order to catch the next happy hour I can sleep a 'maximum' of 6 hours. . . which is unlikely since between ending session to sleeping takes me an hour more or less.

To make matters worse the tables especially reg-speed are riddled with regs at the more unusual hours. On a second note I was glad to see the Full-Ring Zoom tables running at 1-2am despite the fact that they usually die out around 9pm -(PST). 

I think the Zoom tables had it a lot better off than the Reg-Tables since the 'best of the best' regs can only 'own me' on a maximum of 4 tables. . . . whereas the on the non-zoom tables this number can be up to 16-24. 

Life and Health

After losing a ridiculous amount of weight in July. . I've decided to put on a bit more muscle before going on my 'Body Transformation Journey.' . . . . of course the benefit of putting on muscle means I get indulge in much more food.

For the past week I've gone and worked out approximately 4-5 times and eaten around 2500-3000 calories per day, more on days which I work out of course.

Have been reading a lot of articles and going to the library regularly to just try and get into writing more frequently in my spare time. 

It's probably time for me to put in a bit more time for 'work' as I've spent a little less than 25 hours this week grinding. . . not exactly the 'Full-Time Pro

@shouts to pitabread189  as I stole all these GIF's from his post  

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