Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Supernova Elite 2013

So apparently it's a little bit over half way through the year; and many who have attempted their first shot at the chase for 'Supernova Elite 2013' have given up. 

Let's see a breakdown of it.

1,000,000 vpp's - 3.5mil FPP's-56,000  (starting at supernova, tad less at bronze star)
milestones + stellar = 44,500
=100k~ roughly the first year.

Halfway mark- Game Plan 

This year over about 500k hands of 100nl full ring both zoom and ring games, I've averaged approximately 0.25vpp/hand.

Sitting on 530k vpp's I will need approximately 1.88m more hands at 100nl fr.

There is 166 days left in the year meaning averaging 11.3k hands a day for the remainder of the year; this shouldn't be too difficult considering I'm averaging between 1200-1500 hands / hour between; 4 tabling zoom-fr ; 4 tabling + 12 regular tables; as well as 16-20 tabling regular tables.

This is assuming A) I do not mix in 200nl fr games 'hence not increasing my VPP/hand
                         B) Do not engage in 6max/ PLO/ other forms of the game.

The goal will be to play as much as 100nl full-ring that is possible when possible and not miss out on too many days of grinding.

So close but yet so far Scenario

At any given point where the projected 'near future' estimation of yearly vpp's is between the 900k-950k vpp range. A certain risk must be evaluated.

Ending year with 900k VPP vs SNE
- 20k milestone at SNE
- 5x multiplier v 3.5x multiplier

If SNE chase resulted in marginal failure this year, however is reached next year. The difference in cost is roughly : 20k + [(5-3.5)*1,000,000*0.016]= $44,000.

At which point; a last minute sprint plan for SNE will be drafted up.

Short Summary Reaching SNE 100nl FR - 2013

         Stars VIP = 100k~        Hands/Hr; 1200-1500            
                                                Hours Required; 2666-3333


1bb/100= 40k~                        42$-->52$
1.5bb/100= 60k~                     48$-->60$
2bb/100= 80k~                        54$-->67$
3bb/100= 120k~                      66$-->82$

When you put the numbers in perspective. . .all of a sudden a rake back pro is making more than the average hourly of the middle class.