Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Upswing Day- Aug 6th .

Volume has been very poor so far for the month. After running a horrendous session yesterday I decided to call it a day and went out bowling/kareoke with couple friends. Ended up sleeping at around 4:30am yesterday and waking up at 12pm today.

Schedule for today was relatively brief; wake-up; went to the gym; came home grind; went out for a walk; last session. Nothing particular struck me today except for a little bit of reg-wars going on. . .
Not to say that fighting with other regs at the table is a bad thing, just perhaps whilst 24-tabling it'd not be the smartest idea to play against other regs.

The small downswing near the middle portion of my graph is a clear result of what happens when I try to actively battle regs while playing a ton of tables. There's only so much mental energy and physical dexterity that I can exert into this game. . . It's much easier to win an extra 10$(random figure) from a weaker player/ fish, than 10$(random figure) from a good regular at this game.

 Graph For The Day

Interesting Hands of Today

Hand 1: This hand occurred with a reg today, given that there was a lot of dynamic going on prior to this hand I figured he could be light on the flop/turn/river here. 

Volume could have been better for me today if the zoom 100fr games didn't die out by 9pm-pst. 

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