Tuesday, December 24, 2013

#Supernova Elite#ZOOM#December Review#

#Supernova Elite#ZOOM#December Review
This month was was most certainly a success in my books; hitting Supernova Elite yesterday for the first time ever! Overall win rate for the month was around 2.7bb/100 running a bit above ev. It was most certainly a rough challenge for me chasing Supernova Elite at 100nl. I've had ups- and downs grinding massive amount of volume facing all kinds of downswings and variance but none the less I was more than satisfied with my results for this month.

47k VPPs for the month; 110 hours.
[ ] Ordered Supernova Elite T-Shirt


  1. YAY! Congrats! You worked so hard brah

  2. Dannyy, where are you? did you die? never saw u again on the tables.

  3. Haha if I died wouldn't be able to respond to that :P!

    Naw man taking short break , it's new year and had to figure some stuff , be right back on it soon!
