Saturday, December 14, 2013

Friday the 13th- Update- Count down to SNE- 12170VPPs

Friday the 13th- Update- Count down to SNE- 12170VPPs

Not exactly the greatest day, actually I think had one of the worst sessions/days this month. . . which in itself is both brag as well as a beat =P. Thought Fridays were particularly . . . "soft" so decided to fire up 200nl-Zoom which didn't go too well. Also busted 900/2000 in a Big 55$ MTT ; AJ vs AT 12bb deep. What can you expect. . . 

Played about 6.5 hours today; 3.3k VPPs, bit of a downswing. 

Though I'm not down a ton; I felt like I was outplayed in a ton of pots and got owned in a lot of cooler/bad situations.

Not exactly the healthiest of nutrition choices. . but I figured I need a treat now and then =)~ It is after all the holidays!

Very likely taking half or whole day off tomorrow to hang with friend. ~

As always Best of luck to everyone else on the tables !

Happy Holidays ! =)! 11-days till Christmas !