Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 17th Update

After coming back home from the gym today and having some lunch I decided to put in a short session.  As you can clearly see on the left I was running ridiculously awesome, the set-ups were great, I was winning flips, holding up QQ v KK all that good stuff. .

Half way through the day my second session began my mental game began to slowly deteriorate. . . This session began with an immediate drop  6 bi's.

Almost 100% attributed to make fish fold and looking up fish too lightly with over pairs. Seems like some voice in the back of my head was nagging me on that fish always get it in with TP or TPTK on the flop irregardless. . . apparently not so.

Not too bad of a day overall; very standard 8 hours worth of sessions. I do tend to split my sessions apart so probably 1-2 2 hour sessions, and the remaining 60-90 minute sessions as I figure later on in the day I tend to become more and more tired and so forth.

Hand of the Day 

Will be heading to bed relatively early today ~ 1 am and hope to catch and early grind tomorrow after the gym as well.

Daily Check-up
[ ] played A- Game throughout
[ ] did not spew
[ ] did not tilt
[x] VPPs for the day

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