Monday, September 16, 2013

Mid Month Update #September #Pace to $10,000+ month

Mid Month Update #September

Half Month Graph #September
For the last couple of days I had a 20 bi downswing that occurred in the span of only 4 hours. After thoroughly reviewing over same hand histories I have realized that I have to take the blame fully. 

This month has been quite well for me and the majority of my huge downswings occurred when I was playing very poorly. I'm quite positive if that I don't engage in massive pots super frequently this will help lower the deviation and variance in my game overall. It has become 

The Chase #mistakes

16 hour Grind Session
Last Thursday I decided to myself to put in a little bit extra volume than usual, and that it would behoove me to have some leeway while the year comes to a close and the holidays come around. So instead of a usual 8 hour grind; I ended up putting in 14-16 hours on that unfortunate day.
As you can clearly see after approximately 8-10h sweet spot of my mental game(hand 18k).

Then without a notice between hands 24k-27k (3000 hands) I dropped 16-17 bi's back to back, as a result of calling down much too lightly and bluffing much to frequently. Although chasing Supernova Elite has its' perks and definitely worth going for; there is something to be said about balancing and managing time well.

I can definitely understand how people that are going for SNE the first-time underestimate the difficulty and end up putting in excessive volume as they fall behind only to see they pay for it on the tables. At the same time I think the biggest mistake for me is understanding at what point during my session is my mental game just going down the drain; and the answer for that personally is around the 10h mark.

The Review

50nl too hard; no money in micros
After spending both July and August almost 50k VPP behind pace (per month) it became quite clear to me that the only way to achieve this standing is to play both a mixture of the Full-Ring and 6-Max tables if I were to achieve this goal at 100nl.

This month in that sense was a testing period to see whether or not I could conjure up a winning game for 6-max 100nl - zoom.

 Being as previously I have not have great success with 6-max zoom I was rather reluctant to attempt, but after thorough consideration that this would be the only way to hit SNE this year this attempt was made.

After the downswing from mid last month leading towards this month I decided to jump into 50nl to regain confidence. *Regain Confidence not Losses*.  Hopefully I can maintain similar win rates throughout the remainder of the year.

Notes to Keep in Mind

  • Avoid playing extended days. This applies especially if there's a lack of sleep involved in this process
  • Avoid playing a very high variance game even if it means sacrificing marginal +ev spots
  • Keep to a healthy diet
  • Workout 5-6x a week 
[  ] 200k more hands for month 
[  ] Hit that 700k Milestone
[  ] Some table profits 

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